Saturday, January 21, 2012

Janey is not a racist

Last class many things happened. But, one caught my attention the most, probably because I connected to it instantaneously. When Janey said other blacks have called her "white" because of her attitudes, I rapidly reflected on it.

I have noticed that for a certain racial or cultural group not only other groups stereotype but the own group does it as well. The members of the given group expect all individuals to behave according to the cultural traits and mannerisms that form the stereotype. Self stereotyping is probably the worst because no one knows the group's manners better. Any margin of deviation from it is not welcome and the individual is labeled as unequal. Many times this happens in the form of jokes but still it carries the same load of infringement.

I was born and raised in Cuba. Sometimes friends and relatives called me "the European" not because of my physical appearance but for my attitudes. Cubans are expected to be loud, not worried about formalism and norms, and of course, spectacular dancers. I just don't meet the criteria. Or better, I meet it partially. Still enough to be labeled. I'm kind of loud but not loud enough. I do care about others' concerns. And, my dancing is not so good. I don't drink coffee either.

 Just because I preferred Heavy Metal over Salsa, it doesn't mean I'm not Cuban or Cuban enough. In fact, I always, and still do, felt as Cuban as the "Palma Real". 

Personality and behavioral patterns depend on environmental factors such as family upbringing, culture, geography and education. However, all of that is just a part of the being. The individual has his/her own set of preferences, taste, and inclinations people sometimes ignore. So, I'm convinced Janey is not racist at all. She is simply Janey.

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